Please don't be hasty to assume that the execution of a few individuals over the seas drew warm feelings of joyous resolution¹.
I sat there on the couch flicking back between sky and cnn to be surprised at the similarity of the clips that they had used, joined together to remember the life of Saddam Hussein - or at the least the life us in the Wild West remember it.
A good portion of the clips they had used were him at various functions and occasions removing oversized and extravagant swords from their sheath and waving them around in admiration.

A few google images prove its popularity.
The other large portion of the clips were of him toting guns - which there was one in particular that I couldn't be bothered sourcing: with a ridiculously oversized rifle. Almost too large, it seemed, to be use to anyone - even large people. A few google images prove this angles popularity also.

The one recurring shot riddled in between shots of him with large weapons, a common theme to all news show montages, is that scene of the old, bearded and scabby Saddam just after the coalition "got him".

You know the one.
The sealer for me was one that just SKY went for, I didn't stick around to see if CNN had done it - which was a shot of Saddam in trial for war crimes. This particular scene he was flamboyantly producing an extended laughter that could certainly be described as "twisted", maybe "weird".
Look all I'm saying is that montage culture is great, but it gets a bit much some times. Also, should capital punishment be returned to Australia tomorrow, and I was somehow convicted to death and hung - my martyrdom could be completely defined by the montage that the news shows run with. I'd like to take a moment as should you to imagine what kind of montage you'd like the world to see as you are killed on behalf of the moral majority of that world.
I'd like to think they'd throw together some of me in slow-motioned laughter, picking boogars, playing "Jax" and beer bonging. But if they put together all the sadistic shit I've ever done and ended with a zoom-in of my unshaved face looking scabby, startled and "got", I just wonder if Australia would get right behind the noose and kick out my chair too.
1. far from it - and doesn't anyone else find it weird that a nation so adamant against capital punishment can get right behind the organised murder of anyone - let alone someone whose much publicised regime didn't actually affect us at all? this blog isn't about saddam, iraq, attrocities or trigonomic parallaxes - it's about news programs, playing for the team against terror, and the super-refined media we get treated to.
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